24 Hour Emergency Tree Removal

ArborTrue makes emergency tree removal easy. We are a preferred vendor for the top insurance companies in the USA.

  1. You call us and we come out usually right away or within a few hours.
  2. Our Arborist will assess your tree removal, take pictures, and upload to your insurance to help with the claim initiation.
  3. Our Arborist will provide you and your insurance with a copy of the estimate right away, usually on site.
  4. With nothing more than a signature we commence work to remove the tree and if needed tarp the roof to prevent further damage. No money down, we collect from your insurance after you are happy!

Our estimates are drafted in the correct format for insurance adjusters to read with ease. The rates we charge are Pre-Approved and do not require waiting around for insurance approval (special circumstances apply on rare occasions). If your job is complex and requires additional approval, we handle the whole process for you quickly and efficiently.

Our crews are well equipped and sometimes even work around the clock all through the night with spot lights, even when its raining, if safe to do so. Nobody beats ArborTrue when it comes to piece of mind and excellent service. If you are not sure that your job is covered by insurance, we can tell you so that you don’t end up in a bad situation. We wont take any money from you until its all done.

If you don’t have insurance that’s not a problem. We can still remove your tree just as fast and get your life back on track faster than anyone.

Our storm response crews have worked at all the biggest storms in the past 20 years including Katrina, Sandy, Michael, Paradise Fire, Butte Fire, and several tornadoes and ice storms. We have the know how to navigate the simple and the complex jobs of any size, no matter what.

Calling ArborTrue is to call for clarity and peace. We will bring the calm to your storm and walk you through the whole way.

Need Tree Removal Help?

Give us a call or use our contact form and an expert arborist will be in contact as soon as possible.

    Need Help With?Tree RemovalTree TrimmingStump GrindingEmergency Tree Removal Consultation Fee May Apply Arborist ConsultationTree CareTree Planting