OHBA News Letter 03/19
March 12, 2019Tree Services By The Season
April 14, 2020Among the most loved and hated species of tree is the Red Mulberry.
This often misunderstood tree is native to the majority of the eastern United States. It is a deciduous tree that looses its leaves promptly in fall. It can reach heights 35-50 feet tall with a trunk up to 20 inches in diameter. In rare cases it can reach 75 feet tall. They live a moderate life span of 125 feet. For centuries people have canned their fruit and eaten it raw. In a more modern America the fruit is considered more of a nuisance so they are often cut down when they are near sidewalks and driveways. The fruit can leave hundreds of dark stains.
If you like the look of Mulberry but don’t want to deal with the mess, you can purchase a fruitless Mulberry from most plant nurseries. They will still have the lovely umbrella shaped crown and spreading branches that make it recognizable from the end of the road. This tree however, won’t have you power washing the driveway after spring.
You may occasionally see a Mulberry that is the banality if native forests. The White Mulberry is highly invasive. It is native to Asia and was introduced to the United Stares during colonial times as a food source for silk worms. Once the species escaped captivity it has never been brought back under control. It pops up in recently disturbed soils and just about any where. The leaves are more deeply lobed and a bit longer. If you see one while it’s small, pull it up!
On the other hand, a foreign Mulberry that isn’t invasive and makes wonderful fruit is the Pakistan Mulberry. It is tolerant of heat, drought, humidity and can even tolerate soil pH ranges from 5.0-7.5 making it ideal for our area. It requires no fertilizer in most soils and grows 3-4 feet a year. Talk about a fast growing tree. I makes tons of elongated berries that are sweet even before they turn dark. If you like Mulberry fruit, this tree is a must have. Plus, the Pakistan Mulberry lives hundreds of years so you know that people for generations will be able to enjoy.
So regardless of your take on the fruit, there is a Mulberry just right for you!
Brad Phillips,
ISA Certified Arborist